Fun fact, Scott from Shinbone creative Sculpted this figure digitally as oppose to sculpting it by hand.
I took Rich's (MVH) story on this from Skullbrain. Rich wrote this as his reaction/opinion to sculpting digital as opposed to sculpting by hand.
Rich - "This figure is indeed digitally sculpted , but not by a faceless robot. Scott put in many hours working on this just like any other sculptor working their craft. It just so happens his medium is digital. Every other process in this toy is identical to the way all other toys are done.
The Ollie figure has a more smoother surface style, and I can tell you from holding the proto that its a close match. I will say yes, digital at this point can't get the super fine details or imperfection charm a human hand can add, but its close.
As for other figures, he made the Mad Battle Man for Sutfin, as well as the Secret Base produced Toy Punk for the Toy Punk guys. And trust me many others are starting to use this sculpting style as well.
I definitely won't ever fully switch over to digital as I love hand sculpting the majority of my own stuff. But I look at this as another tool I can use to build a toy. I'm not going to limit myself to any particular way of getting a toy made because of "traditions". At the end of the day, as long as it hits the mark of what I going for and makes a toy I enjoy I will use everything I can to obtain it.
The heart and soul that goes into everything I make is definitely in this. It was all created by artist who love the art of making toys and just because one aspect happens to be digital it's not lost.
As well I wanted a third party to take mine and Skinners drawings and translate them as close as possible with out the sculptor adding their own style to it. I feel Scott took our concept and stayed true to the illustration. He was a blast to work with and if given the opportunity I will do it again.
Trust me when I say this, I believe many artist who traditionally hand sculpt toys appreciate this method of sculpting. And I also believe going forward you will see more of it. As long as it stays true to the heart of the craft I don't see an issue with it."
Thanks for clarifying this Rich! There is nothing wrong with trying something different every once in a while. I can understand the want for a hand sculpted toy, if it's a talented sculptor he or she can capture more then just the toy in there sculpture. Yes digitally sculpting might result in loosing an actual fingerprint on the vinyl. But this doesn't mean Scott didn't leave his digital fingerprint on Krawluss!
Actually seeing Krawluss in person made me want it bad! Krawluss is just SICK!! Its huge, has 2 heads, Skinner vibe, MVH vibe, Shinbone vibe!! I look forward to the future!
Not only do I look forward to seeing Krawluss painted. I look forward to seeing how this digitally sculpting technique will evolve over the next couple of years.

Sculpted by Scott Wetterschneider at Shinbone Creative -
Scott is the mastermind behind so many great digital toysculpts!